What Our Clients Say

Joining the HHOM Program has been instrumental in my healing. I’ve been dealing with health/personal challenges and this program has enabled me to get out of my headspace, stop questioning the ‘whys’ in life and instead, trust the flow of life. It lead me to a dimension that I didn’t know existed as I started seeing synchronicities in life and how interconnected everything truly is. A wonderful, life changing experience. I am now a firm believer in energy healing and whether you are new or advanced to meditating, this program is powerful enough to transform your life. I’ve tried free/paid meditations from different sources and they are not comparable. For starters, the soothing and calming voice of Karen will immediately put you at ease and her words will radiate throughout your body. It is an experience that one must have for themselves! Having no prior experience in meditating or any energy healing, I never thought I could feel this light and I am so thankful that I was led to the HHOM Program.
- Vanessa

I have not felt this normal and happier in months! My confidence is back and life has purpose and meaning again. Since February of this year I had been on an emotional rollercoaster of despair and I found myself in a deep dark hole by June. Believe me, I had tried EVERYTHING including seeing a Reiki master, psychic, therapy sessions, affirmations and prayers, exercise, time off work…..nothing offered lasting relief for more than a few hours or a day. I am surprised but hopeful this new feeling of wellness and normal will last. I am looking forward to the Huna workshops in September.
- Abita

Taking the Huna Healing Workshops supported me in releasing large blocks of grief, that I was holding but did not know what to do with after losing my husband and my mother within a two year period, then six months after, my job. The grief was sitting so heavy in my chest that I had trouble breathing. After taking the workshops I had the tools to release pain on my own and have now left all that heaviness behind. I have really started to enjoy my life again. I honestly don’t know how I would have gotten through that time without learning to connect with Spirit and heal my perceptions around Life and death, making peace with myself. Although the workshops gave me the ability to heal myself and others, it most significantly gave me back my Life.
- Kathy


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Cochrane, AB, T4C 1A7


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